About Us

Our Company Values
Truth, Privacy, and Freedom. Truth is important. Without truth, one can’t live an authentic life. Without privacy, one’s behavior changes and it is no longer authentic. There are several forms of freedom: freedom of speech, freedom of choice, freedom to act, and freedom to own. With the current state of technology and the rest of the world, we feel that it is our duty to defend these core values. Preservation of these core values is the only way to protect nations and mankind from the misuse of rising artificial intelligence or the manipulation of behavior via propaganda, censorship, and always-present spying and dictatorship via money control.

Why Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is an amazing technology and a bit of an adventure. Nobody can tell you where Bitcoin and other blockchain-based technologies will lead the industry, but a few things are clear: Bitcoin and blockchain technology is here to stay, and the unique design of blockchain technology opens unprecedented opportunities in computing (and not just for money transmitting purposes). The first Android-based Bitcoin devices POSBTC introduced were the BATMOne and BATMTwo Bitcoin ATM units that took the Bitcoin community by storm. Check out all our BATM models in our online store.